store information

basic information
店名 shop name | Kirin Town Nakanoshima Festival Tower B1 |
ジャンル genre | Local restaurant |
電話番号 phone number | |
住所 address | |
交通手段 how to access |
営業時間 business hours |
regular holiday :none |
支払い方法 payment | Credit card accepted |
予約ページURL reserve URL | |
公式アカウント official account |
平均予算 average budget | 2,000 yen |
平均予算(ランチタイム) average budget (lunch time) | 850 yen |
平均予算(宴会・パーティー) average budget (banquet/party) | 4,000 yen |
Seats and equipment
総席数 total number of seats | 48 seats |
最大予約可能人数 maximum number of people that can be reserved | Seated: 20 people |
個室 private room | none |
貸切 available private rental | can be |
席の特徴・設備 seat features and facilities | Counter seats available |
駐車場 parking | none |
禁煙・喫煙 smoking policy | Please contact the store |
感染症対策 infectious disease control | Disinfecting, sterilizing, and cleaning the store and equipment, disinfecting each time customers change, installing disinfectant and disinfectant, ventilation in the store, partitions between tables and counters, adjusting the spacing between tables and seats, and preventing communication with other groups. No sharing, cashless payments, use of coin trays at checkout, staff wearing masks, staff washing/disinfecting/gargling hands, staff temperature checks, not allowing customers who are unwell to enter the store, and restricting entry when the store is crowded. Yes, please wear a mask except when eating. |
お子様連れ with children | Infants allowed/Preschoolers allowed/Elementary school students allowed/Strollers allowed |
ペット同伴 pets allowed | No |
携帯 cell phone | Mobile phone reception available (au, Softbank, NTT Docomo) |
電源 power supply | Available |
サービス service | Banquets lasting 2 and a half hours or more are possible. |
メニューサービス menu service | All-you-can-drink menu available |
テイクアウト take-out | Takeout possible |
利用シーン use scene | Evening entertainment, after-party, one person, welcome party, farewell party, friend/acquaintance |
お店のウリ store selling point | Tottori Hyogo local cuisine, abundant local sake, all-you-can-drink approx. 30 types of local sake |
宴会・パーティ用サービス banquet and party services | All-you-can-drink menu available for banquets |
キャンセルについて cancellation | Please contact the store directly. |
オープン日 opening date | April 10, 2017 |